Sometimes, all it takes is an exceptionally well renounced and sought-after certification and training to make you an integral part of the sector which is known for its capacity of growth and improvement, the IT sector. As the years add on, people have come to rely on their jobs in this sector more than any other place because the technology is one aspect which is always growing and becoming better. No matter where you are or what you do, technology is always what one needs. Hence, the sector is blooming and each one of us is the reason for it in some way or the other. In big corporations, where the departments are huge and their coordination suffers due to lack of communication and measures to ensure they communicate, DevOps has come in handy. Over the course of years, companies have realised how much of a difference can a DevOps expert bring about in the functioning and the overall coordination of the departments. Thus, DevOps has emerged to become an inseparable part of ...